the pot of inspirations

Casimiro Nhussi
musician- choreographer - storyteller
The whole Album, for me, is a celebration of Life. The music transports the listeners to the continent of Africa. The melodies are uplifting with the many Instruments, drums, and songs. I found myself dancing to every song. I couldn’t sit down.
Cas, you blended music and voices together in perfect harmony. So much so, that you want to get on your feet, and Dance! You want to say to the world “Everyone on your feet! Let us Dance, and Sing! Let us celebrate what it is to be Human. Let us celebrate Life! And Love!
-Paul Long-
Hi Casimiro, I just wanted to thank you for your show. I saw it last night. The music, the stories, the dancing, every moment was beautiful and touched me deeply.
My only moment of disappointment was when it was over. I think I might have out load said, no!
I look forward to your next instalment!
See you next year
- Odette -
Dear Casimiro,
Sam and I LOVED your show this evening. It was especially thrilling to sit front and centre and feel like you were talking right to me. How is it that you are not growing old like the rest of us? How are you dancing like a 20-year-old when you say you are 58? I loved the music and the dancing and the storytelling…it was a perfect blend.
- Susan -